Enjoy your Sicily dressing

Enjoy your Sicily dressing

This is an oil that tastes first and foremost of family. It is grown on our land in Montevago, a small village in the heart of the Belìce Valley, in the south-western part of Sicily, between the provinces of Agrigento and Trapani. Our olive trees were planted about 20 years ago by mum Margherita and dad Giovanni who have nurtured them ,day after day, as they did with their daughters, Adele and Mariastella. 

The olive trees are grown without the addition of chemicals, respecting the earth and nature. We like to harvest the olives early, strictly by hand, to ensure the best quality of our oil. We shouldn't have to tell you, but the secret of our 'Nicuzzu' is all here: in daily care, patience and love. 

Cold pressed in the local mill solely by mechanical means, Ruvolo 'Nicuzzu' oil is an extra virgin olive oil, monocultivar Nocellara del Belìce. 

Don't be surprised if tasting our oil takes your mind back to ancient scents, to ineradicable memories, reminders of volcanic rock, citrus fruits, the sea, fresh grass. Ours is an oil that tastes of history, the history in which the red land of our olive trees grow is rich. 

In fact, over 2700 years ago, the Sicans, Elymians, Phoenicians, Greeks and later the Romans, Normans, Arabs and Spaniards passed through these lands. 

In nearby Montevago, in fact, it is possible to admire the remains of an ancient Roman villa, dating back to the 2nd century B.C., a rustic villa that served both as a normal dwelling and, above all, as the centre of the agricultural estate and, therefore, the vital heart of the local economy. 

Our 'Nicuzzu' is all this, history, passion, family and love for our land, on your table. 

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